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Choose NW420 Sognefjordekspressen between Sogndal and Bergen

NOR-WAY Bussekspress has an express bus route going between Sogndal and Bergen. The route offers the opportunity to go on a day journey for appointments and meetings in Bergen.


NW420 Sognefjordekspressen runs between Sogndal bus station and Bergen bus station/Haukeland Hospital

- There is still a need for a direct route between Sogndal and Bergen. Many places along this route, express buses are the fastest and most important inter-county public transportation option, says Svein Helge Hauge, Product and Concept Manager at Tide Buss AS, which operates the NOR-WAY route.

Sognefjordekspressen begins and ends at Haukeland hospital

He points out that in the new Vestland county, it is important to have a good transportation alternative for private travel, commuting, tourists, and students.

Sognefjordekspressen is designed to allow for round trips between Sogn and Bergen in a single day. The endpoint in Bergen is at the Haukeland Hospital, making it convenient for travelers with hospital appointments to use the express bus service. During the summer season, the service will be expanded with a daily seasonal route between Bergen and Flåm.

- We know that this route means a lot to the inhabitants in Sogn who go to Bergen for various appointments. The offer is possibly most important to those who are going to Haukeland hospital. This is why we have made this the end and first stop, says Svein Helge Hauge in Tide Buss AS. 

Local transfer

The bus route connects with other public transportation in the region at local hubs along the route, such as Årdal, Lærdal, Aurland, Vik, and Luster.

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