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Catch the bus between Oslo and Bergen

NOR-WAY Bussekspress offers excellent alternatives to catching a flight or train between Bergen and Oslo.

Bus in a Norwegian landscape

Norway has several crossings between East and West. NOR-WAY Bussekspress has good alternatives to flights and the train for the journey between Bergen and Oslo.

Bergen - Oslo via Valdres

The most efficient alternative between the East and the West is through Valdres via Fagernes, Flåm and Voss. Here you will catch the bus NW162 Øst-Vestekspressen. This part of Norway is full of stunning mountains and deep fjords, all of which you will have a fantastic view of whilst travelling on the bus. 

Øst-Vestekspressen starts in Lillehammer and travels westward via Gjøvik, Dokka, Fagernes, Tyin, and Lærdal. If you're travelling from Oslo, you can take the Valdresekspressen to Fagernes. Then, you switch buses at Fagernes to continue your journey to either Oslo or Bergen. From Bergen, you take the East-West Express to Fagernes and then continue towards Lillehammer or Oslo.

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Bergen - Oslo via Haukelifjell

You may also travel from east to west over Haukelifjell via Åmot and Seljestad. 

Haukeliekspressen travels directly between Oslo and Haugesund. However, if you're going to Bergen, or from Bergen to Oslo, you change buses at Seljestad. Skyss will then take you between Bergen and Seljestad.

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